Equipping Today's Leaders with Personal Leadership Coaching
"In God’s Kingdom those who lead should model leadership in a way that makes Jesus real to those who follow." - Phill Urena
-- Empowered --
-- Incarnational --
-- Missional --
The most important role of a Kingdom leader is not to build a ministry, but to raise up people that love Jesus and love people well. Authentic Kingdom leaders reveal the heart of the Father, even as Jesus did. It is not enough to move in the gifts of the Spirit, or to even evangelize, the good news is a person, Jesus. When people look at His children, they should see His son.
Kingdom leadership should look like Jesus. If we are to impact the world authentic, humble, wise, and deeply loving people should lead. In this training for those who believe they are called to lead will be challenged to grow in away that reflects Christ. Our style of training is built on the rabbinical methods of study, questions, and lots of conversation in both small and large group settings.
What is covered:
Theology of Leadership in both the Old and New Testaments
Four Leadership Postures: Sent, Disciple, Servant, Family
Leadership Character
Leadership Theory
Leadership Styles
Leadership and Gender
Incarnational Leadership: Leading that looks like Jesus.
Leadership and the Holy Spirit
Leadership that Reveals the Father and the Son
The first AND second Saturday of each month from 9:30am to 12:30pm, October through June.
Class dates (unless otherwise specified): October 7, 14, November 4 (TBD), 11, December 2, 9, January 6, 13, February 3, 10, March 2, 9, April 6, 13, May 4 (TBD), 11, June 1, 8.
Some leadership experience in a local church or para-church ministry. (This includes pastor or assistant pastor, small group leader, worship leader, ministry overseer, Sunday school teacher etc.)
A desire to grow in a healthy leadership style that reflects Christ.
A desire to start a home church, missional community, or hybrid church. If you are already in the process of building a ministry, we suggest you take this training with at least one other person from your team.
Each student will have a Summer project that will include creating a team and creating a ministry (it can be as simple as a one-day ministry.) Everyone will be given guidelines for this project and coaching in organizing it.
Students are required to read a book per month and be prepared to discuss their personal views on the reading material in small and large group discussions. (as our teaching style is built on a rabbinical style, discussions are very powerful to form a personal view on the materials.)
Students are not permitted to miss more than two (2) meetings during the year.
Each student must meet with their mentor at least once a month starting after the third class.
Tuition is $800 for the year + an additional non-refundable $25 application fee.
A payment plan is available upon request.
What's included in your tuition?
One-on-one mentoring
FREE Kingdom Convergence Weekend Encounters (during the school year)
Course Directors:
Craig Fee PhD
It is Craig Fee’s desire to demonstrate the art of being a scholar/practitioner. As a scholar Craig has degrees from Wheaton College (BAs in Bible and Education), Nyack College (master’s in organizational leadership) and from Walden University (Doctorate in Management/ Leadership and Organizational Change). As a practitioner Craig is using his leadership knowledge and gifts as a mentor to micro church planters, mentoring young leaders in non-profit organizations, and also as a leader in House church. Craig has spent four decades starting, organizing, training and leading small groups, managing small group ministries, and developing small group leadership. As a professor with Nyack’s Organization Management program and Alliance Theological Seminary, he combines his passion to teach, his love for small group ministry and brings to bear his insights into the practical working of organizations. Craigs down to earth teaching style creates an atmosphere where people can grow into authentic Jesus follower’s, which in turn makes the best Jesus leaders.
Phill Urena
Phill has been in leadership in both the church and secular business world. In the business world, he owned a successful boutique coin investment company, which he ran until the Lord called him into ministry. As a bi-vocational pastor he worked in various business arenas, including eight years as an independent Real Estate Appraiser and five years as a business consultant to startup companies in the area of debt management and settlement, helping develop marketing strategies, new product development and insuring ongoing government compliance. In ministry, Phill has been a church planter, pastor, coach, conference speaker and author spanning four decades in leadership. He was a pastor in the Association of Vineyard Churches for 32 years, where he also led a national task force equipping churches in Holy Spirit ministry. He has been coaching for the last 10+ years and is the founder and director of Kingdom Convergence. His passion is to see people live from the reality of the Father’s love and for leaders to live, love, and reflect Jesus in a way that fosters transformation in the lives of those who follow them.
Contact us at if you have any questions!
“I am incredibly excited about the Kingdom Leadership Initiative. We live in a critical season for the Church. Understanding how to intentionally and strategically lead in this new season for Kingdom advancement has never been more important. I believe we are living in a season of transition unlike anything we have seen since the Early Church. So many voices and competing ideologies are in the air influencing the Church. It is time for the Church to fully awaken, for that to happen we need a new model of leadership grounded in the Jesus Model. I can’t wait to meet with and grow together with those that are answering the call in this hour.” – Phill Urena